woensdag 4 september 2013

(probably) My last message

Hey guys!

So, it's been a long time ago :)
School asks lots of my time, so are making quotes.

It's quite hard to say this, but this is probably my last message.
I saw I ended with 662 viewers, which is incredible. I'm very glad
people enjoyed my fanart. Hopefully, you could use it ;)

If you wanna contact me: go on Twitter!
I have a 1D-account and a more personal account.
- @1D_Quotes_Blog (everything 1D related)
- @ItsZelloire (more personal, about everything, I also put some quotes online)

So I guess that's it..
Love you all!


donderdag 27 juni 2013

Nobody compares to you :)

Hey everyone!

I tried something new today.
It's not the style that usually do,
but it's you know, something different ;p

a song I really like from Take Me Home: Deluxe Version :)
Pics are random from the Internet ;p

Enjoy! ;)


vrijdag 21 juni 2013

1D+OD Together Against Bullying

Hey guys!

As you might know, the boys and Office Depot
teamed up and made products to raise money against bullying.

Not only in America, but all around the world, bullying is still a problem in society.
So hopefully, this action will speak to people. If you can, then buy the products
that are available from the 5th of July. The colours they use are really cool :)

Haven't you heard about it? Then take some time to watch this video:

Pictures are from recent concerts in America,
I got them from 1D SuperHumans (search on Twitter and Facebook!).
Quotes are from the video above.

Hope you like them,
plz give me some feedback if possible!


I'm back, baby!

Hey guys!

Finally, I have my life back!
School and the blog together asked lots of energy,
so I took school first, hope you guys understood that.

But I'm back, baby! I wanna make you guys some new quotes.
If you guys have some ideas? Just leave a message ;)

Love you!


dinsdag 30 april 2013

Busy with school! + NEW LOGO

Hey guys!

I know it's been a while, but schools asks
a lot of my time. So sorry that there aren't any 
new quotes this moments. Maybe when I have
some free time, but I'm not so sure about it.

Just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be
'offline' for a while, but you can still contact me 
on Twitter :) Just search for 1D_Quotes :)

Hurray, new logo! Hope you like it! :)


zaterdag 13 april 2013

Celebrity Special: DEMI LOVATO

Hey guys!

My new Celeb Special is about a very special young lady.
Her music is incredibly beautiful, just like her.

Demi Lovato is a true inspiration, to all of us.
She learned us to stay strong and to believe in ourselves.
Don't let people bring you down, don't build a wall around you.

Pics are cut out of performances and random Youtube videos,
lyrics are from the several, amazing albums she made.

Enjoy it, Lovatics! Everyone :)


zondag 7 april 2013

This is us! (1D in 3D)

Hey guys!

You probably haven't heard about it but...

I know, it's not that new anymore but
my quotes I made about it are very new. :)

Quotes are from the movie trailer,
so are the pics I cut out off it ;)

Can't wait for this is us!
What about you? ^^
