zaterdag 29 december 2012

Take Me Home: What Song?! (4): ANSWER

Hey guys!

LAST FIRST KISS was song number 4.
For a new song, you have to wait 'till next year. ;)

Hope you had a wonderfull christmas :)
We didn't have snow over here, but maybe you had some...

Enjoy your last days in 2012.
See ya soon! :)


maandag 24 december 2012

Louis 21!!

Hey guys!

24th of December...
We not only celebrate Christmas, but also the B-Day of a special boy.
He turns 21 today, he loves Eleanor like hell and is a member of the most amazing boyband 1D....

Of course! It's Louis Tomlinson :)

1D_Quotes wishes you the best B-Day ever!
Enjoy your Christmas and party hard ;)


vrijdag 21 december 2012

Take Me Home: What Song?! (4)

Hey guys!

This one is gonna be the last one. But no worries, I'll be back as soon as possible ;)
I have to studie, so it's difficult to be busy with 1D_Quotes as with my examns...
Hope you understand :)

CUE: the songs exists of 3 words (hope that's some kind of English ;p)

The pictures are cut out of the performance on X-Factor USA in november 2012.

You can watch the answer next Friday!
Enjoy your holiday! :)


maandag 17 december 2012

Take Me Home: what song?! (3) : ANSWER

Hey guys!

Song number three is..... SHE'S NOT AFRAID!!
Next days are very busy for me, because I have examns in a couple of weeks.
So this week, you will recive the latest one for this year ;)

Hope you had good examns and for those who still have to start:
good luck and never give up ;)

Have a nice week :)


maandag 10 december 2012

Take Me Home: what song?! (3)

Hey guys!

Song number 3 has arrived! :D
CUE: it's a song from the Yearbook Edition...

The pictures were taken at the Bambi Awards in Germany.

Answer will be given next Monday :)
For all of you who have examns: good luck to you!


dinsdag 4 december 2012

Take Me Home: what song?! (2) : ANSWER

Hey guys!

The right answer for the 'what song?!' is..... I WOULD! 
In a couple of days, you will find a new one.

Hope 1D and the fans had/have a great time @NY :)

Enjoy your weekend! ;)


vrijdag 30 november 2012

Take Me Home: what song?! (2)

Hey guys!

Here's the second song! :)
CUE: it's number 9 on the album!

The pictures are of there photoshoot for You magazine.

Good luck! I will give you the right answer next Tuesday.


dinsdag 27 november 2012

Take Me Home: what song?! (1) : ANSWER

Hey guys!

The right answer for the first 'what song?!' is..... KISS YOU! 

Be prepared! 'Cause very very very soon,
I will give you another song from the Take Me Home album ;)

See you next time!


zaterdag 24 november 2012

Take Me Home: what song?! (1)

Hey guys!

Let's play a game! :D

Do you recognize the lyrics of the song?
CUE: it's going to be there new single... (I think!)

The pictures are behind the scenes of there photoshoot
for Sunday Times magazine.

Good luck! I will give you the right answer this Wednesday.


zondag 18 november 2012

1D fan quotes

Hey guys!

As you all know, the guys have already said beautiful things.
There quotes inspires lots of fans and other people.

Here are my favourite quotes about the FANS! 
The pictures are taken during there performance on the Today Show (november 2012).

Hope you like them! ;)


woensdag 14 november 2012

Teen Vogue

Hey guys!

Teen Vogue's cover boys are One Direction soon!
Check out their smashing pictures with some Little Thing Quotes ;)


1D life and dreams quotes

Hey guys!

As you all know, the guys have already said beautiful things.
There quotes inspires lots of fans and other people.

Here are my favourite quotes about LIFE AND DREAMS!
The pictures are behind the scenes of the Take Me Home album shoot.

Enjoy! ;)


maandag 12 november 2012

1D love quotes

Hey guys!

As you all know, the guys have already said beautiful things.
There quotes inspires lots of fans and other people.

Here are my favourite quotes about LOVE! <3
The pictures are behind the scenes of there photoshoot
with cute puppies for Wonderland magazine.

If you can, please give some feedback ;)


zaterdag 10 november 2012


Hey guys!

1D_Quotes is also on Twitter, jeaaaaaj! :D
So... FOLLOW ME PLEASE! ( @1D_Quotes_Blog )
Also retweet some pics if you want :)


vrijdag 9 november 2012

Made by...

Hey guys!

My sister also made some 1D quotes.
Hope you like them! I'm very proud of her ^^
