zaterdag 23 maart 2013

1D fan quotes (new!)

Hey guys!

Sorry it took my so long, but school asks lots of my time.
I hope I can make you happy with my new quotes.

This time, I'm proud to present you new fan quotes.
Pics are from the interview for Madame Tussauds
about their own wax figures. Can't wait to see them one day :)

Plz, give me some feedback!
You can do this by following me on
- Twitter (@1D_Quotes_Blog)
- WeHeartIt (1D_Quotes)


maandag 11 maart 2013

1D_Quotes icon!

Hey guys

You may noticed it, but my blog
has its own icon. It would be very,
very sweet if you could spread it.

I want more people to see my quotes and more opinions about them,
so please: heart it or just post in on Twitter (I'm not into Facebook so... ;p).
It would be awesome if the boys would be able to see what I make ;)

Thank you!


Thank you, visitors! :D

Hey guys!

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who already visited my blog
and follows me on Twitter and We Heart It.

My number of visitors keeps rising
and I'm very happy with that so thank you! :)

'Cause of my happiness I'm gonna give you some pictures
without quotes so you can use them for other things you like!
It would be very kind if you would credit my pics ;)

So again: thank you very much!
And plz, give me some comments :)


zaterdag 9 maart 2013

Celebrity Special: LITTLE MIX

Hey guys!

This is my 3th Celebrity Special and I'm really happy I decided to do that.
I want you to know that you can be inspired by several artists and
you don't have to choose one of them. Just love them all ;)

The music, the lyrics, the looks: Little Mix has it all!
Leigh-Ann, Jessy, Jade and Perrie just make my day
whenever I hear them on the radio or when I see them on tv.

Pics are cut out of their 'Wings' music video,
lyrics are from their very first album 'DNA'.

This one's for all the Mixers around the world! :)


1D love quotes (new!)

Hey guys!

New love quotes are arrived.
Pics are behind the scenes of the photoshoot for Anan magazine.

Hope you like them,
and give me some feedback please :)


Follow me on Twitter: @1D_Quotes_Blog!
Follow me on WeHeartIt: 1D_Quotes